

Is life speeding up?

It is nearly the end of October and it feels like life is speeding up toward Christmas!  Maybe that's because I still have several projects to get done.

On my table in the works are a huge Scrap paper piecing project, the Iron Quilter II Challenge, Contest Manager for the Vintage Pattern Sewing on PR - If you like to make Vintage clothing, please come join us November 1 - 30th!

I'm also looking forward to seeing if there is a Bonnie Hunter Mystery quilt along that typically begins in November?  Last year her beautiful Easy Street was my 2nd quilt :-) yes, I'm crazy now you can be sure.  I learned so much and while waiting for clue made quilts4kids, my family and still kept up.

Also part of a 12 month Secret Santa swap with fun "clues" each month such as Jan = Cold, February was Sweet, etc.  a little theme if you will for each month just to get us thinking.  My box is only 1 short Table runner shy, then it will go out to a forum friend.

Phew, I'm tired just thinking of all the sewing and quilting... Now, has October seemed to just fly by for you too?  Are you working harder to get those Christmas gifts in the works or were you quick and already have them all done?

Have a lovely Sunday all,



  1. Dee, BH's fabric requirements are set to post on or around October 23rd for this year's mystery. I just finished up her 2013 QM Mystery "Lazy Sunday" and hope to get it quilted prior to November's first set of instructions. We'll see.

  2. I bought fleece to make Christmas presents but that is as close as I've gotten. I only just bought the fabric today though. I got enough to do robes for the neices and nephew (4 of them) but I may change it up and go to pullovers...

  3. Good luck! Hope to get Christmas sewing done before 1st clue November 29th Yeah! Now to push and energize us all

    Thank you



Love to read what everyone is doing! Problems with Spam so it may take a day or so for your comment to show. Thank for looking and reading about my sewing and quilting adventures